The average house price on SWAN COURT is £177,706
The most expensive house in the street is 5 SWAN COURT with an estimated value of £239,086
The cheapest house in the street is 1 SWAN COURT with an estimated value of £89,629
The house which was most recently sold was 3 SWAN COURT, this sold on 13 Mar 2020 for £175,500
The postcode for SWAN COURT is LS20 9PN
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 SWAN COURT Semi-Detached £89,629 £52,300 29 Oct 2010
1 SWAN COURT Semi-Detached £89,629 £124,995 29 Oct 2010
3 SWAN COURT Terraced £212,943 £175,500 13 Mar 2020
3 SWAN COURT Terraced £212,943 £175,500 13 Mar 2020
4 SWAN COURT Flats/Maisonettes £222,008 £129,995 29 Sep 2010
5 SWAN COURT Flats/Maisonettes £239,086 £139,995 30 Sep 2010